The S&P 500 is up through the first 5 weeks of the year, but it has not been without moments of volatility. Leading the charge? Rate cuts – or lack thereof. Coming into 2024, investors were pricing in at near 100% certainty the first rate cut would come in March. Those expectations helped push markets near and then through previous all-time highs. But recent language from Fed members (like Jerome Powell, Fed Chair) suggest rates will stay higher for longer and thus the probability of a March rate cut has fallen dramatically. As the new information is received and digested by market participants, stocks move to price in the new data. In this case, higher for longer rates is not so accommodating to growth as rate cuts would be, so markets react with volatility.
This overall change to expectations shouldn’t come as a surprise – markets are impossible to predict. Inevitably, something will change, or the unforecastable will happen to shake things up. The Mag7 were expected to continue generating exceptional returns and those, too, have quieted. “You have to go down to the 495th ranking out of the 500 stocks in the S&P in order to capture all seven of the Mag7” says Liz Ann Sonders, Chief Investment Strategist at Charles Schwab.
As the markets continue to evolve and new information is learned, we at PDS also continue to monitor portfolios and allocations for potential opportunities in tax loss harvesting and rebalancing. We encourage clients and investors alike to continue following their financial plans and remain long-term investors. The map is not the terrain – the path to completing your goals [financial or otherwise] is not without its ups and downs.
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