Beyond Your Finances

This is the year I will….

December 22, 2014

I have to be honest.  New Year’s is my least favorite holiday. If you’re like me, you usually struggle to stay awake until midnight and NEVER manage to stick to your New Year’s resolution after about January 15th.  However, I always feel compelled to make a New Year’s resolution in spite of my dislike for celebrating the New Year.

I recently saw some statistics stating that 47% of  New Year’s resolutions are for self improvement,  38% are weight-related resolutions, and 34% are money-related.  Blah, blah, blah…. (yeah, I know that adds up to more than 100%, but I think it accounts for people that are overachievers and make more than one New Year’s resolution!)

My New Year’s resolution is to turn over a new leaf and make a resolution that I can and will stick to.  It needs to make a difference in my life, be attainable, simple and measurable. Wish me luck!

What’s your New Year’s Resolution?

Don’t Pay More Simply Because You Have More Money.