Retirement Planning

Independent Retirement Planning Advisors.

An investment portfolio isn’t a retirement plan. We focus on your retirement goals, not financial products.

They’ll rush to invest your assets, mask their fees, and call it a day. PDS Planning will answer the important retirement questions like:

  • Am I on track for retirement?
  • Is my 401(k) set up correctly?
  • Can I retire early?
  • When should I elect to receive social security benefits?
  • How will I fund long-term healthcare once I’m retired?
  • What will my spending plan look like in retirement?
  • Will I be able to contribute to my favorite organizations?

Whether you’re just starting a career or closer to retirement, PDS helps you build a financial plan and take the clear next step toward your preferred retirement goals.

Don’t just blindly contribute to a retirement account. PDS Planning sets up a comprehensive retirement strategy that ensures you are on track to enjoy the retirement you want

Our retirement planning approach uncovers the factors you need to consider, so you can navigate your retirement with clarity and precision.

Goal Setting

Want to travel the world? Transfer the business to the next generation? Pay for long-term care? We listen to your goals and help develop a plan to get you there.

Tax Strategy

How will you reduce the taxes you pay in retirement? When should you withdraw Traditional vs. Roth IRAs? We’ll focus on a tax-efficient way to take income distributions.

Investment Strategy

Should you change your investment allocation? Consolidate old retirement plans? What level of risk is right for your goals? We seek to find the best way to structure, organize, and optimize investments.

Estate Planning

How should I structure my trust? What should I consider when setting beneficiary designations? We work to protect & maximize the legacy you’ve worked hard to build.

Retirement Spending Plan

How much can you spend annually in retirement? How long will your pension or retirement fund last? We build pragmatic spending plans to drive peace of mind in retirement.

Plan Progress Monitoring

A plan evolves over time. We monitor progress, adapt to markets, and continue to ensure your plan is continually working in your best interest.

Think you could benefit from a pragmatic approach to financial planning? Let’s have a conversation to see how we may be able to help.

Let’s Have a Conversation

When planning for your retirement, it’s important that you receive objective advice that’s truly in your best interest.

Unlike other advisors who mask their fees in seemingly marginal percentages, or make commission from the sale of products such as annuities and life insurance policies, we operate from a core belief: our primary focus is to enhance your wealth, not ours.

That’s true fiduciary responsibility.

Read our ADV

Transparent Fee-Only Structure

We charge a clear fee for the time and resources it takes the do the planning work required.

Dollars, Not Percentages

We believe it’s unfair to pay more simply because you’re worth more. That’s what a percentage-based fee does. Our fixed-dollar fees reflect our work, not your net worth.

No Commissions

We don’t receive compensation for the sale of securities, insurance products, or other investments.

No Performance-Based Fees

Performance-based compensation creates an incentive for advisors to recommend riskier investments.

No Hidden Costs

We don’t pay referral fees to third-parties, participate in wrap-fee programs, or charge fees for work we don’t perform.

We Work For You

Some firms make money from referral fees. Not at PDS. The only person who pays us is you.

We Know How to Help Plan Your Retirement Regardless of Where You Are On The Journey.

Whether a young woman rising in her career or an executive closing in on the finish line, we can help you live the retirement lifestyle you want and leave the legacy you envision.

How well you start will play a huge role in how you finish. Let’s design the right savings plan, finding a balance between funding your lifestyle vs. your long-term goals. You’ve accumulated a lot of assets over the years. Let’s unwind the inefficient ones and focus on those that can accelerate your accumulation of wealth. It might not be as simple as social security and a 401(k). Devise a plan that incorporates the complexities of your circumstances.

Do you want objective financial advice to help you achieve your retirement goals? Do you want to feel confident that you have an actual plan, validated by credible financial planners, to help accomplish your specific goals? And do you want to have all that without paying any inflated costs or hidden fees?

Don’t Pay More Simply Because You Have More Money.