A recent post from Jamie on his WealthAdviceMadeSimple blog regarding the differences in life insurance.
Spring 2000 – I sat at my desk, an aspiring CPA if there is such a thing. Bored out of my mind. It’s not that I didn’t work with great people, or for a great firm, but the work was not inspiring me. I had known since a young age that I wanted a job that helped people decide what to do with their money. This was not it so through some research, I decided I was going to become a financial advisor. I won’t bore you with the details of how I arrived at my next job, but after looking at several companies, I ended up taking a position with an insurance company….to be a “financial advisor.” All of my interviews were about becoming a financial advisor, helping individuals and families make decisions around money. Perfect! (as this story is about to take a turn, let me add that I again found another great company, with great people)
The first few weeks were training – man, did we cover a lot about life insurance. The next few weeks were about more life insurance, and so on, and so on. You get the picture. At this time, variable universal life insurance was the hottest thing going in the life insurance market…