Welcome to our July 2024 Viewpoints, a monthly bulletin from PDS Planning to our valued clients and friends. Our goal with each issue of Viewpoints is to provide you with a wide variety of perspectives on life and wealth. Feel free to share with others.

By Drew Potosky, CFP®,
Posted: 7/30/2024

Leading Indicators Update

The year-over-year [YoY] Leading Economic Indicators change has been a popular chart since the precipitous decrease started following the 2020 recovery. I have written about it previously, particularly when it was on its way down, as something to keep a close eye on in relation to the rest of the economy. The darker red vertical columns represent US recessions and each of them have corresponded with a sharp move downward in the YoY change to the leading indicators. Based on the recent data, signs are pointing toward a recovery across these indicators. It doesn’t necessarily signal the economy is out of the woods, but certainly heading in a stronger direction.

Profits Do Matter

Sometimes, looking at the market as a whole can be difficult. In the S&P 500, ‘the market’ has been about 10 stocks. For small caps in the Russell 2000, the difficulty comes from profitability. “About 40% of members in the index have no earnings on a trailing 12-month basis.” Liz Ann Sonders, Chief Investment Strategist with Charles Schwab, goes on to write, “there are ample opportunities within the small cap space, but we would caveat that with a recommendation to stay up in quality, notably by focusing on factors like profitability…” Over the last 1-year, the profitable companies in the Russell 2000 have outperformed the non-profitable companies by 19%.

Quick Note on Interest Rates

The economy posted a softer than expected inflation print leading many to speculate there will the Fed’s first rate cut announced during their upcoming September meeting.

Summer Olympics

The 2024 Summer Olympics have kicked off in France and there have already been loads of exciting races and competitions. From Swimming and Gymnastics to Archery and Rugby, there’s something for everyone. Yesterday, we saw Romanian David Popovici (@chlorinedaddy on social media) win the country’s first gold medal in men’s swimming, winning by just 2 one-hundredths of a second! And for the USA, the men’s gymnastics team brought home the bronze. The first men’s gymnastics medal in 16 years! Plus, Torri Huskie and Gretchen Walsh touched the wall 1 and 2 in the Women’s 100m Butterfly for a Gold and Silver medal.

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